Cell biology reagents

Cell biology reagents / product groups & items in this category
Dyes and reagents for cell biology: cell markers and indicators, substances for metabolic labeling, inhibitors, etc.

Nuclear stains

Cell-membrane permeant and impermeant DNA dyes for specific staining nuclei in live or fixed cells.

Plasma membrane stains

Lipophilic dyes with different spectral properties for plasma membrane staining and visualization of cell boundaries and morphology.
  • DND-167, blue fluorescent pH indicator
    Blue fluorescent pH-sensitive dye for staining acidic organelles (lysosomes and late endosomes) in living cells.
  • LumiTracker® Lyso Green
    Green-fluorescent dye for visualization of lysosomes in living cells and other cell organelles with a low pH. Analog of LysoTracker™ Green DND-26.
  • LumiTracker® Lyso Red
    Red-fluorescent reagent for labeling and tracking lysosomes and other acidic organelles with low internal pH in live cells. Analog of LysoTracker™ Red DND-99.
  • (E,E)-3,5-Bis(phenylethenyl)-BDP® lipid stain
    A non-functionalized 3,5-substituted borondipyrromethene derivative with a Stokes shift of 13 nm and an emission spectrum in the red spectrum range.
  • BDP® 493/503 lipid stain
    BDP 493/503 is a lipophilic green fluorescent dye for the staining and tracing of cell membranes, lipids, and oils.
  • BDP® 505/515 lipid stain
    BDP 505/515 is a lipid staining dye for cell membranes. It has a high fluorescence quantum yield, and is very photostable.
  • BDP® 630/650 lipid stain
    Far-red fluorescent dye BDP 630/650 for staining of lipids and and other lipophilic compounds.
  • BDP® 650/665 lipid stain
    Hydrophobic borondipyrromethene dye BDP 650/665 for staining of lipids and lipophilic compounds.
  • BDP® FL ceramide
    Fluorescent derivative of sphingosine with emission in the green spectrum region for visualization of the Golgi apparatus in cells.
  • BDP® TMR ceramide
    Fluorescent derivative of sphingosine with emission in the orange spectrum region for visualization of the Golgi apparatus in cells.
  • BDP® TR ceramide
    Fluorescent derivative of sphingosine with emission in the red spectrum region for visualization of the Golgi apparatus in cells.
  • BDP® TR methyl ester
    BDP TR methyl ester is a lipophilic counterstain for GFP. Сell-permeable dye that stains mitochondria and endomembranous organelles, but not plasma membrane.
  • Bis-ANS, protein conformation probe
    High-affinity fluorescent probe for nonpolar cavities in proteins to monitor the formation of protein aggregates and indicate protein folding and conformational changes.
  • Deep-Red Fluorescent Nissl Stain
    Far-red fluorescent Nissl stain for visualization and assessment of neural tissue morphology.
  • LumiTracker Mito Orange CM-H2TMRos
    A cationic, orange-fluorescent dye for staining active mitochondria in live cells. CM-H2TMRos is a reduced, nonfluorescent version of the CMTMRos dye that becomes fluorescent when oxidized at the mitochondrial membrane.
  • LumiTracker® ER Green
    Green fluorescent stain for selective labeling of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in live cells.
  • LumiTracker® ER Red
    Red fluorescent stain for selective labeling of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in live cells.
  • LumiTracker® Lyso Blue
    Blue-emitting reagent for labeling and tracking lysosomes and other acidic organelles with low internal pH in live cells. Analog of LysoTracker™ Blue DND-22.
  • LumiTracker® Mito Green FM
    Сell-permeant cationic green-fluorescent dye for staining active mitochondria in living cells in a potential-dependent manner.
  • LumiTracker® Mito JC-1
    The cationic carbocyanine dye that is widely used as an indicator of mitochondrial membrane potential to study apoptosis and monitor the health of mitochondria.
  • LumiTracker® Mito Orange CMTMRos
    Сell-permeant, cationic, orange-fluorescent dye for staining active mitochondria in living cells in a potential-dependent manner. The stain is compatible with aldehyde fixation.
  • LumiTracker® Mito Red CMXRos
    Сell-permeant, cationic, red-fluorescent dye for staining active mitochondria in living cells in a potential-dependent manner. The stain is compatible with aldehyde fixation.
  • LumiTracker® Mito Red FM
    Сell-permeant, cationic, red-fluorescent dye for staining active mitochondria in living cells in a potential-dependent manner.
  • LumiTracker® Mito Rhodamine 123
    Rhodamine 123 is a cell-permeant, green-fluorescent dye that stains mitochondria in living cells in a membrane potential-dependent manner.
  • LumiTracker® Mito TMRE
    Tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester (TMRE) is an orange-red fluorescent dye for staining active mitochondria and quantitate mitochondrial membrane potential in live cells.
  • SynaptoProbe Green
    SynaptoProbe Green is an analog of FM®1-43, a widely used green fluorescent dye for staining synaptic vesicles and studying synaptic activity in the synapses or neuromuscular junctions.
  • SynaptoProbe Red
    SynaptoProbe Red is an analog of FM®4-64, a widely used red fluorescent dye for staining synaptic vesicles and studying synaptic activity in the synapses or neuromuscular junctions.
  • TAMRA-2,4-dinitroaniline (TMR-DN)
    TAMRA-2,4-dinitroaniline is a probe for visualizing RNA in living cells.
  • TOR-G4, G-quadruplexes fluorescent probe
    TOR-G4 is a fluorescent probe that allows sensitive distinction of G-quadruplexes RNA based on changes to the fluorescence lifetime of a probe upon nucleic acid binding.
  • CFDA SE Cell Tracing Kit
    The ready-to-use kit for fluorescent labeling and long-term tracing of cells. CFDA SE is commonly used for measuring and tracking cell divisions.
  • Lipophilic Tracer Sampler Kit
    The kit containing samplers of eight different lipophilic carbocyanine dyes.
  • PKH Dyes Diluent
    Diluent for PKH series of membrane labeling dyes.
  • PKH2 Cell Membrane Labeling Kit
    The ready-to-use kit to label cell membranes with green fluorescent PKH2 dye for evaluating cell migration or proliferation.
  • PKH26 Cell Membrane Labeling Kit
    The ready-to-use kit to label cell membranes with red fluorescent PKH26 dye for evaluating cell migration or proliferation.
  • PKH800 Cell Membrane Labeling Kit
    The ready-to-use kit to label cell membranes with near-infrared fluorescent PKH800 dye for evaluating cell migration or proliferation.
  • (5,6)-FAM diacetate NHS ester
    Amine-reactive fluorescein (FAM) derivative, a mixture of 5- and 6-isomers. The reagent becomes brightly green fluorescent once it is hydrolyzed while diffusing into cells. A fluorescent tracer.
  • AF 594 biocytin
    AF 594 biocytin is a cell-impermeant fixable polar tracer with red emission that can be used to examine plasma membrane permeability, pinocytosis, transport through gap junctions, and cell-cell or cell-liposome fusion.
  • Biocytin hydrochloride
    Lysine derivative of biotin for conjugation with avidin or streptavidin, neuroanatomical tracer.
  • CM-DiI, lipophilic tracer
    Orange-red fluorescent lipophilic dye for membrane labeling and cell tracking. Unlike other membrane dyes, CM-DiI persists in cells after their fixation and permeabilization.
  • DiA, lipophilic tracer
    Wide spectrum fluorescent lipophilic dye for membrane labeling and cell tracing.
  • DiD, lipophilic tracer
    Far-red fluorescent lipophilic dye for membrane labeling and cell tracing.
  • DiI, lipophilic tracer
    Orange-red fluorescent lipophilic dye for membrane labeling and cell tracing.
  • DiO, lipophilic tracer
    Green fluorescent lipophilic dye for membrane labeling and cell tracing.
  • DiR, lipophilic tracer
    Near-infrared fluorescent lipophilic dye for membrane labeling and cell tracing.
  • Neuro-DiO, lipophilic tracer
    Non-aggregating green fluorescent lipophilic dye for membrane labeling and cell tracing.
  • RAPID DiI, lipophilic tracer
    Orange-red fluorescent lipophilic dye for cell tracing with fast migration into membranes, an analog of FAST DiI™.
  • RAPID DiO, lipophilic tracer
    Green fluorescent lipophilic dye for cell tracing with fast migration into membranes, an analog of FAST DiO™.

Cell viability indicators

Reagents and ready-to-use kits for studying cell viability and apoptosis by flow cytometry and microscopy.

ROS indicators

Cell permeant fluorogenic dyes for detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in live cells by flow cytometry, microscopy, or fluorimetry.

Ion and pH indicators

Small fluorogenic molecules for indicating specific ions inside cells in vivo. Cell permeant indicators for Ca-, Fe-ions, pH, and others.
  • DND-167, blue fluorescent pH indicator
    Blue fluorescent pH-sensitive dye for staining acidic organelles (lysosomes and late endosomes) in living cells.
  • BAPTA AM, calcium chelator
    Cell-permeable acetoxymethyl ester (AM) form of BAPTA, a highly selective calcium chelator for cell signaling studies.
  • Fluo-4 AM, green fluorescent calcium indicator
    Fluo-4 AM is a cell-permeable calcium ion indicator that is metabolized by intracellular esterase, leading to a bright green fluorescent signal upon calcium ion binding. Fluo-4 AM is well suited for fluorometric and imaging applications.
  • HMRhoNox-M, Fe(II)-selective fluorescent probe
    Fe(II)-responsive turn-on fluorescent probe for monitoring fluctuations of endogenous labile iron in living cells.
  • Pluronic® F-127
    A nonionic detergent widely used to solubilize hydrophobic molecules such as cell-permeable AM esters of Fluo-4, Fluorica-8 calcium indicators, and Di-4-ANEPS, Di-8-ANEPS potentiometric probes and facilitate their loading into cells.

Potentiometric probes

Voltage-sensitive dyes for measurement of spatial and temporal fluctuations in membrane potential across the membrane of large cell populations, single cells, and cell organelles.
  • Di-4-ANEPPS, potentiometric probe
    Fast-response potential-sensitive fluorescent probe for imaging functional activity of neurons and heart cells. The dye is quickly internalized by cells and is well-suited for short-term experiments.
  • Di-8-ANEPPS, potentiometric probe
    Fast-response potential-sensitive fluorescent probe for imaging functional activity of neurons and heart cells. The dye has more lipophilic properties than other dyes of the ANEP family, making it well-suited for long-term experiments.
  • Pluronic® F-127
    A nonionic detergent widely used to solubilize hydrophobic molecules such as cell-permeable AM esters of Fluo-4, Fluorica-8 calcium indicators, and Di-4-ANEPS, Di-8-ANEPS potentiometric probes and facilitate their loading into cells.
  • RH 237, potentiometric probe
    Fast-response potential-sensitive fluorescent probe for imaging functional activity of mitochondria, neurons, and heart cells.

Cell type-specific markers

Small-molecule fluorescent markers for different types of cells. A fast and well-permeant to live cells and tissues alternative to antibody labeling.
  • Deep-Red Fluorescent Nissl Stain
    Far-red fluorescent Nissl stain for visualization and assessment of neural tissue morphology.
  • LumiCell CDr20 Microglia Stain
    CDr20 is a turn-on fluorescent chemical probe for specific labeling and visualizing microglia in cell cultures and live brains.
  • LumiCell Reticulocyte Stain
    LumiCell Reticulocyte Stain is a ready-to-use Thiazole Orange solution for determining a percentage of reticulocytes in human peripheral blood with microscopy and flow cytometry.


Reagents for immunofluorescence applications: fluorescent labeled derivatives of tyramide for signal amplification (TSA), biotin, and streptavidin for Western Blotting, immunoassay, immunochemistry, and in situ hybridization.
  • AF 488 streptavidin
    AF 488 conjugate of streptavidin, a high-affinity biotin-binding protein, for immunofluorescence, western blots, microplate assays, and other applications use.
  • AF 488 tyramide
    A tyramide derivative of AF 488, a green fluorescent reagent widely used for tyramide signal amplification (TSA) in IHC, ICC, and FISH.
  • AF 594 streptavidin
    AF 594 conjugate of streptavidin, a high-affinity biotin-binding protein, for immunofluorescence, western blots, microplate assays, and other applications use.
  • AF 594 tyramide
    A tyramide derivative of AF 594, a red fluorescent reagent widely used for tyramide signal amplification (TSA) in IHC, ICC, and FISH.
  • AMCA streptavidin
    AMCA conjugate of streptavidin, a high-affinity biotin-binding protein, for immunofluorescence, western blots, microplate assays, and other applications use.
  • sulfo-Cyanine3 streptavidin
    sulfo-Cyanine3 conjugate of streptavidin, a high-affinity biotin-binding protein, for immunofluorescence, western blots, microplate assays, and other applications use.
  • sulfo-Cyanine3 tyramide
    A tyramide derivative of sulfo-Cyanine3, an orange fluorescent reagent widely used for tyramide signal amplification (TSA) in IHC, ICC, and FISH.
  • sulfo-Cyanine3-PEG3-biotin
    Conjugate of hydrophilic sulfo-Cyanine3 dye with biotin, affinity label for avidin/streptavidin.
  • sulfo-Cyanine5 streptavidin
    sulfo-Cyanine5 conjugate of streptavidin, a high-affinity biotin-binding protein, for immunofluorescence, western blots, microplate assays, and other applications use.
  • sulfo-Cyanine5 tyramide
    A tyramide derivative of sulfo-Cyanine5, a far-red fluorescent reagent widely used for tyramide signal amplification (TSA) in IHC, ICC, and FISH.
  • sulfo-Cyanine5-PEG3-biotin
    Biotin conjugate of the far-red fluorescent sulfo-Cyanine5 dye.
  • sulfo-Cyanine5.5 tyramide
    A tyramide derivative of sulfo-Cyanine5.5, a far-red fluorescent reagent widely used for tyramide signal amplification (TSA) in IHC, ICC, and FISH.
  • sulfo-Cyanine7 tyramide
    A tyramide derivative of sulfo-Cyanine7, a near-infrared fluorescent reagent widely used for tyramide signal amplification (TSA) in IHC, ICC, and FISH.

Mounting media for microscopy

Fluorescence mounting media for microscopy applications.
Group tags Microscopy
  • (E/Z)-4-Hydroxytamoxifen
    (E/Z)-4-Hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT, afimoxifene) is a selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulator, an active tamoxifen metabolite widely used for inducible genome manipulation.
  • Annexin V, His Tag
    Recombinant Human Annexin V for producing fluorescent Annexin V conjugates and inhibition of the procoagulant and proinflammatory activities of the apoptotic cells.
  • BAPTA AM, calcium chelator
    Cell-permeable acetoxymethyl ester (AM) form of BAPTA, a highly selective calcium chelator for cell signaling studies.
  • DREADD agonist 21 dihydrochloride
    An agonist for selective activation of hM3Dq (excitatory) and hM4Di (inhibitory) DREADDs. A widely used chemogenetic tool for remotely controlling neuronal activity.
  • FCCP, ATPase inhibitor
    FCCP is a strong uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria that disrupts ATP production by transporting protons across cellular membranes.
  • H-Met-AMC, сalpain substrate
    Fluorogenic substrate for methionine aminopeptidase 2 or aminopeptidase N.
  • Vacuolin-1
    Cell-permeable inhibitor of calcium-dependent lysosomal exocytosis.
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