sulfo-Cyanine5 streptavidin

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A33S0 100 ug –   in stock
133S0 1 mg $185 in stock
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Streptavidin is a tetrameric biotin-binding protein derived from the bacterium Streptomyces avidinii. Streptavidin binds up to four biotin molecules with high affinity and selectivity via multiple hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions. Due to the lack of carbohydrate modifications and a near-neutral pI, streptavidin exhibits less nonspecific binding than another biotin-binding protein — avidin. Streptavidin also has high thermostability and resistance against extreme pH, denaturing agents, and enzymatic degradation, allowing using this protein under various experimental conditions.

Fluorescent conjugates of streptavidin are commonly used as a second-step reagent for specific detection of a variety of biotin-labeled biomolecules, such as proteins (antibodies, etc.), nucleic acids, lipids, and other molecules in indirect immunofluorescent staining, western blots, flow cytometry, microplate assays, and other detection techniques.

This streptavidin is a lyophilized conjugate with sulfo-Cyanine5, a hydrophilic far-red fluorophore with spectral characteristics similar to Cy5® (absorption max. at 646 nm, emission max. at 662 nm). Far-red fluorescent tags with excitation above 600 nm and emission further than 650 nm are valuable for imaging techniques because of the lower background autofluorescence at these wavelengths.

The recommended concentration range for use is 0.5-10 µg/mL. Avoid using biotin-containing solutions (some serums, RPMI 1640, etc.) as diluents.

Absorption and emission spectra of sulfo-Cyanine5

Absorption and emission spectra of sulfo-Cyanine5

Recommended protocol


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General properties

Appearance: blue solid
Solubility: good in water
Storage conditions: Transportation: at room temperature for 1 week. Store at -20°С 9 months.
MSDS: Download
Product specifications

Spectral properties

Excitation/absorption maximum, nm: 646
ε, L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1: 271000
Emission maximum, nm: 662
Fluorescence quantum yield: 0.28
CF260: 0.04
CF280: 0.04
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