sulfo-Cyanine5 DBCO

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133F0 1 mg $125 in stock
233F0 5 mg $325 in stock
433F0 25 mg $850 in stock
533F0 50 mg $1490 in stock
633F0 100 mg $1990 in stock
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Copper-free click chemistry reaction between strained cycloalkynes (cyclooctynes) and azides is a very fast and robust reaction. It can be used for fast labeling with fluorescent dyes. This reagent is a derivative of water-soluble sulfo-Cyanine5 dye, which emits in a red channel. It is useful for the labeling of biomolecules in aqueous media.

Absorption and emission spectra of sulfo-Cyanine5

Absorption and emission spectra of sulfo-Cyanine5

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General properties

Appearance: dark colored solid
Molecular weight: 981.27
Molecular formula: C53H57N4KO8S2
Solubility: good in water, DMF, DMSO
Quality control: NMR 1H, HPLC-MS (95%)
Storage conditions: Storage: 12 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Desiccate.
MSDS: Download
Product specifications

Spectral properties

Excitation/absorption maximum, nm: 646
ε, L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1: 271000
Emission maximum, nm: 662
Fluorescence quantum yield: 0.28

Product citations

  1. Hebels, E. R.; Bindt, F.; Walther, J.; van Geijn, M.; Weterings, J.; Hu, Q.; Colombo, C.; Liskamp, R.; Rijcken, C.; Hennink, W. E.; Vermonden, T. Orthogonal Covalent Entrapment of Cargo into Biodegradable Polymeric Micelles via Native Chemical Ligation. Biomacromolecules, 2023, 24(10), 4385–4396. doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.2c00865
  2. Sapozhnikova, K. A.; Gulyak, E. L.; Misyurin, V. A.; Simonova, M. A.; Ryabukhina, E. V.; Alexeeva, A. V.; Tikhonova, N. A.; Lyzhko, N. A.; Popova, G. P.; Misyurin, A. V.; Ustinov, A. V.; Korshun, V. A.; Alferova, V. A.; Ryazantsev, D. Y.; Brylev, V. A. Branched Linkers for Site-Specific Fluorescent Labeling of Antibodies. Molecules, 2023, 28(1), 425. doi: 10.3390/molecules28010425
  3. Williams, C.; Dong, K. C.; Arkinson, C.; Martin, A. The Ufd1 Cofactor Determines the Linkage Specificity of Polyubiquitin Chain Engagement by the AAA+ ATPase Cdc48. Molecular Cell, 2023, 83(5), 759-769.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2023.01.016
  4. Pontes, A.P.; van der Wal, S.; Ranamalla, S.R.; Roelofs, K.; Tomuta, I.; Creemers, L.B.; Rip, J. Cell uptake and intracellular trafficking of bioreducible poly(amidoamine) nanoparticles for efficient mRNA translation in chondrocytes. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2023, 11, 1290871. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1290871
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