BDP 630/650-X-NHS ester

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15420 1 mg $125 in stock
25420 5 mg $260 in stock
45420 25 mg $510 in stock
55420 50 mg $895 in stock
65420 100 mg $1490 in stock
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BDP 630/650 is a borondipyrromethene fluorophore that has a high molar extinction coefficient, excellent quantum yield, and a relatively long lifetime of the excited state. Due to it, this fluorophore is useful for fluorescence polarization assays that allow to detect binding between molecules.

This is an amine reactive NHS ester. It contains an aminohexanoyl linker between the fluorophore and the reactive group.

Absorption and emission spectra of BDP 630/650

Absorption and emission spectra of BDP 630/650

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General properties

Appearance: dark colored solid
Mass spec M+ increment: 545.2
Molecular weight: 660.5
CAS number: 2213445-35-1; 380367-48-6
Molecular formula: C33H31N4BF2O6S
IUPAC name: Succinimidyl-6-[2-(p-{(E)-2-[4,4-difluoro-5-(2-thienyl)-3a,4a-diaza-4-bora-s-indacen-3-yl]ethenyl}phenoxy)acetylamino]hexanoate
Solubility: good in DMF, DMSO
Quality control: NMR 1H, HPLC-MS (95%)
Storage conditions: Storage: 12 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Desiccate.
MSDS: Download
Product specifications

Spectral properties

Excitation/absorption maximum, nm: 628
ε, L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1: 97000
Emission maximum, nm: 642
Fluorescence quantum yield: 0.91
CF260: 0.029
CF280: 0.035

Product citations

  1. Zhao, Z.; Li, C.; Zhang, Y.; Li, C.; Chu, Y.; Li, X.; Liu, P.; Chen, H.; Wang, Y.; Su, B.; Chen, Q.; Sun, T.; Jiang, C. Nanomaterials with Dual Immunomodulatory Functions for Synergistic Therapy of Breast Cancer Brain Metastases. Bioactive Materials, 2023, 27, 474–487. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.04.021
  2. Casella, B.M.; Farmer, J.P.; Nesheva, D.N.; Williams, H.E.L.; Charlton, S.J.; Holliday, N.D.; Laughton, C.A.; Mistry, S.N. Design, Synthesis, and Application of Fluorescent Ligands Targeting the Intracellular Allosteric Binding Site of the CXC Chemokine Receptor 2. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2023, 66(18), 12911-12930. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c00849
  3. Brodszkij, E.; Westensee, I. N.; Holleufer, S. F.; Ade, C.; Andres, P. D. D.; Pedersen, J. S.; Städler, B. Membrane Composition of Polymer-Lipid Hybrid Vesicles. Applied Materials Today, 2022, 29, 101549. doi: 10.1016/j.apmt.2022.101549
  4. Grätz, L.; Tropmann, K.; Bresinsky, M.; Müller, C.; Bernhardt, G.; Pockes, S. NanoBRET binding assay for histamine H2 receptor ligands using live recombinant HEK293T cells. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 13288. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-70332-3
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